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Guidelines to Protecting Your Home From Weather Damage

November 2, 2019


Guidelines to Protecting Your Home From Weather Damage

Homeownership remains a cornerstone of the American dream, with surveys even suggesting that people consider this the "most important element" of the concept. If you are among those who have succeeded in purchasing a property, you want to protect your investment. Unfortunately the costs of maintaining a house add up. According to Housing Wire, Americans spend about $9,000 on home improvements per year. Fixing weather-related damage is one factor in these costs. But with some preventative measures, you can decrease the burden of weather-related problems.

Address repairs related to snow, hail, or wind promptly

Always check your house for issues after a major storm. Any issues related to snow, wind, or hail should be fixed promptly, or they may worsen, requiring more expensive fixes in the future. If your roof sustained major damage in a hail storm and there are cracks or holes as a result, failing to fix these could allow moisture from rain and snow to seep into your home. This can then lead to dangerous mold growth, which costs as much as $6,000 or more to remove. Spare yourself the added expense by making repairs quickly. Ask multiple contractors in your area for quotes to secure the best deal.

Get your gutters cleaned before winter

Gutters siphon water that cascades off your roof safely to the ground without letting it run down the sides of your house—which can result in paint damage. When they are clogged with leaves and other debris, they get blocked and don’t work properly. Additionally, this increases the risk of backed-up water freezing in the gutters. This will create an ice dam, a ridge at the edge of the roof that keeps melting snow from draining properly. You might notice icicles hanging off the edge of the roof and gutters; the weight can actually detach them, resulting in pricey repairs (new gutter installation costs up to $3,100 in Glenview). Avoid this by scheduling a gutter cleaning in late autumn, after most of the leaves have fallen.

Have your chimney inspected

A fireplace is a cozy addition to any home. If your chimney isn’t maintained, however, you risk carbon monoxide leaks or even a house fire. Prevent this nightmare scenario by having a chimney inspection and cleaning done before using your fireplace. The average cost of a chimney sweep is $100 to $250, while a house fire can cause serious damage to life and property.

Prepare pipes for freezing temperatures

According to the American Insurance Association, water is a major cause of property damage, and this is often due to freezing pipes. If pipes have residual water sitting in them and the temperature goes below freezing, this water may freeze—expanding in the process. The added pressure on the pipe can cause cracks or even a full-on burst. Then you have to deal with paying for repairs, plus the costs of replacing damaged furniture and carpets. Make sure to insulate pipes in spaces you don’t heat like the attic or basement.

Don’t take chances when it comes to your house. Follow the above guidelines to prevent costly weather-related damage. Invest the time and energy in the above steps to keep your house and its inhabitants safe.

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